

Classical Golden Verses –
A Contemporary Interpretation Receives Professional Award in Language Learning

Classical Golden Verses – A Contemporary Interpretation, published by Yew Chung Publishing House was awarded Publishing Award in Language Learning category in the 1st Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards Competition which was organized by the Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on July 20, 2017. The ceremony was officiated by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam and the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau.

More than 80 publishing houses submitted more than 400 publications to the competition. Experienced professionals from 40 local publishing houses selected the winners of Publishing Awards in each category. The judging panels consisting of the publishing professionals from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan then selected the winner of Best Publishing Award from the winners of Publishing Awards in each category. 

Yew Chung Publishing House belongs to Living Learning Culture & Education Co. Ltd. Mr Terry Cheng Wai-ming, the company’s Executive Director received Publishing Award in Language Learning category for Classical Golden Verses – A Contemporary Interpretation. Mr Cheng said, “The book is not only recognized among publishing houses, but also very popular in the market. We’re going to make the second print run of the second edition of the book to meet the demand from the readers.”




The Burning China Has Become a Forum Topic

The content of Mr. Yip Kwok-wah's new book The Burning China has become a topic of discussion in a forum on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. 

The book jointly published by Yew Chung Publishing House and Chung Hwa Book Co. points out that rule by law is key to China's opening and reform. In the forum jointly organised by Cable TV and Hongkong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), the host asked the guest speaker Mr. Yip to elaborate on this point raised in his book.

The forum was held on August 13, 2009 in the Hong Kong building of the HKFYG and was broadcast live by Cable TV. Mr. Yip talked about the difficulties and challenges China has faced in its past 60 years in the areas of history, politics, livelihood and economy and the country’s direction in development. In the four areas, Mr. Yip first gave his views and then members of the HKYFG's "Hong Kong 200" leadership project gave their responses. The 150 university and secondary schools present in the event had the chances to ask questions and carry out exchanges with Mr. Yip.

To help enhance the understanding of Hong Kong's young people on China, Yew Chung Publishing House at the end of the forum presented 10 copies of  The Burning China  to HKYFG. Issues such as environment, energy, cultural clashes and the country's direction of development discussed in the book are those topics that Mr. Yip hopes the young generation concern themselves with.




Promotion at Yew Chung Campuses

In Hong Kong, Yew Chung Publishing House (YCPH) set up counters to promote its publications at the three campuses of Yew Chung Early Childhood Education Section during its Open Day on November 1, 2008. Part of the proceeds of the sale would be donated to the reconstruction of the affected areas of the Sichuan earthquake in May.

A large number of visitors to the campuses in Kowloon Tong, of whom many were parents and prospective parents of the Yew Chung school, was attracted to the counters. They showed interest in the books which are about parenting, early childhood education, Chinese culture and China’s national affairs.

The publications for sale at the counters were : Walk this World with the Children--Parenting under Globalization, authored by Ms. Kam Oi-ping, Co-Principal, Yew Chung Early Childhood Education Section; The Analects--A Modern Translation and Contemporary Interpretation, 140 Items, compiled by Members of Culture Committee, Yew Chung Education Foundation; "Yip Kwok-wah's Series of Commentaries on China's National Affairs", authored by Professor Paul Yip Kwok-wah, Chairman of Culture Committee, Yew Chung Education Foundation, and Chinese Myths, edited by the Editorial Committee of Yew Chung International School of Hong Kong.

Also on display (but not for sale) at the counter was Liberate the Joy of Learning Chinese Series published by the YCPH.

Ms. Kam autographed copies of her book for readers at the scene.



YCPH Promotes Books on National Affairs to Chinese Teachers

Yew Chung Publishing House (YCPH) organised its promotional activity at a teachers' workshop in Yantai where YCPH set up a booth to promote its publications to the participating teachers and scholars.

Co-organised by the Yew Chung Education Foundation and the Yew Wah International Education Foundation, the annual Chinese Teachers' Workshop gathered nearly 200 people at the Yantai Yew Wah International Education School for a two-day academic exchange. The exchange was followed by a cultural day trip in the area. The booth of YCPH, placed outside the main venue of the workshop, highlighted the three books of "Yip Kwok-wah's Series of Commentaries on China's National Affairs" -- After 50 Years, The New Hongkonger and The Clues to the Future.



Complete Series of Yip Kwok-wah's Commentaries on China's National Affairs Now Available for Sale

The three books of "Yip Kwok-wah's Series of Commentaries on China's National Affairs" -- After 50 Years, The New Hongkonger and The Clues to the Future—are now all published. The whole set has been first released in the Hong Kong Book Fair in July 2008 and is now available for sale in local bookstores.. Jointly published by Yew Chung Publishing House and Chung Hwa Book Co., (HK), the series is a compilation of Mr. Yip's talks delivered at a Radio Television Hong Kong programme, After 50 Years, in 2007 and also of his public speeches on various occasions.

After 50 Years and The Clues to the Future are adapted from the 50 Years radio talks. In the programme, Mr. Yip delivered in-depth analysis to different issues that Mainland China, Hong Kong and the Taiwan Straits facing. A learned intellectual with a wealth of life experiences, Mr. Yip critically examined China's historical, political and economical development, the international situations, and China's ideological ambience and social changes. The talks received a lot of feedback from members of audience from different social strata. And some of his view points became talk of the town. The compilers have checked the series against the authoritative text, rearrange and supplement the contents with other material.

The New Hongkonger is a collection of speeches by Mr. Yip at the "Student Ambassadors Seminar 2008" and on other public occasions. Addressing a wide variety of audience, he discussed the related topics in simple language and in a multi-dimensional way, and helped focus public opinion on the topics.

All three books are prefaced by renowned scholars from Hong Kong and the Mainland. Local established academics and young scholars and professionals contribute response pieces to the books in a manner in which readers are stimulated to think in a multi-dimensional or even reversed way so that they can better grasp the topics of discussion.

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First Volume of "Yip Kwok-wah's Series of Commentaries on China’s National Affairs" Newly Released

After 50 Years is the first volume of "Yip Kwok-wah's Series of Commentaries on China's National Affairs" jointly published by Yew Chung Publishing House and Chung Hwa Book Co., (HK). Released in April 2008, the book is now available in major bookstores in town.

After 50 Years is adapted from Prof. Yip Kwok-wah's talks of the same name delivered at a Radio Television Hong Kong programme in 2007. Examining the paradigm shift of the Chinese civilization as the point of departure, the book offers precise analysis and critique of China’s history, economic and cultural growth, development of democracy, anti-corruption measures, the Chinese contemporary politics, the role of China in the international arena and the positioning and role of Hong Kong.

click here to learn more


Book on National Affairs Highlighted in Talk Venue

In its first move to promote its publications in connection with activities organised by the Education Bureau (EB), Yew Chung Publishing House (YCPH) on February 1, 2008 set up a booth at the venue of a talk for students and teachers about national affairs.

The talk, organised by the EB in partnership with civic organizations and held at the auditorium of Yew Chung International School - Secondary, had Professor Yip Kwok-wah as the keynote speaker. The topic of the talk was about "How to be a new Hong Kong citizen". The event was attended by more than two hundred students and teachers from 10 local secondary schools.

The booth of YCPH, placed outside the Yew Chung school auditorium, attracted quite a number of the participants of the talk. A highlight of the promotion was a book by Professor Yip about national affairs to be published jointly by YCPH and Chung Hwa Book Company.

Books in display included The Analects--Modern Translation and Contemporary Interpretation, Chinese Myths, The New Journey of Learning Chinese, and Liberate the Joy of Learning Chinese.


Website Launched for Yew Chung Publishing House

An online platform has been built for the Yew Chung Publishing House (YCPH) to communicate with its readers.

YCPH has launched its website ( in February to provide the latest information about its services. Readers can now be more informed of the products YCPH offers in language learning, culture, national affairs of China and general education.

YCPH strives to be a quality provider of multilingual contents (mainly Chinese and English) that facilitate the learning of Chinese language and culture and mutual understanding of the Eastern and Western cultures.



Executives-cum-Authors Discuss Confucius' Teachings in Shanghai Bookfair

Executives-cum-authors of Yew Chung Publishing House (YCPH) attended the launching ceremony of the Mainland China edition of The Analects – A Modern Translation and Contemporary Interpretation, held in Shanghai Bookfair 2007.

The book fair, held from August 15 to 21, 2007 at Shanghaimart in China's commercial capital, is one of the largest book promotion events in China. YCPH executives, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Terry Cheng, Chief Editor Dr. Troy Lui, and Senior Researcher Dr. Zhou Weichi, talked about the publication in its launching ceremony on August 18. The three are also the co-authors of the book.

The Mainland China edition was published by Shanghai's Wenhui Press with the authorisation of the Hong Kong-based YCPH, which had published the overseas edition of the book in October 2006. Since then the overseas edition has had three prints.

The launching ceremony of the Mainland China edition, covered by local press in Shanghai, was well attended by members of the public. Executives of Wenhui Press and related organizations were also present in the event. In the question-and-answer part, Mr. Cheng, Dr. Lui and Dr. Zhou fielded questions about the objectives and features of the publication and the application of Confucius' teachings in modern times.

The ceremony ended with the authors autographing books purchased by readers at the fair.


Publications Recommended

Yu Kuai Xue Han Yu (the previous version of Liberate The Joy of Learning Chinese) and The Analects--A Modern Translation and Contemporary Interpretation, compiled and authored by Yew Chung Publishing House, were among the 73 kinds of teaching material under three categories recommended by the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) of the Chinese Government.

Hanban made the recommendations after reviewing 1,440 Chinese language and culture related publications worldwide in late 2006.

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